quote for bespoke shelves & cupboards

If you would like a quote for bespoke shelves please fill in the form below;

or email us stating the following (please cut & paste these fields as required for each set):

Alcove Shelves (set 1):
Number of shelves required:
Alcove width at front of the alcove(mm):
Alcove width at back of the alcove(mm)*:
Alcove depth (mm):
Shelf depth required (at least 15mm less than alcove depth): 
Please tell us if there are window frames etc. preventing the shelves sliding in from the front**:

Wall Shelves (set 1):
Number of shelves required:
Length (mm):
Shelf depth required (mm): 

Alcove Cupboard (set 1):
Alcove width at front of the alcove(mm):
Alcove width at back of the alcove(mm)*:
Alcove depth (mm):
Cupboard depth required: 450mm (standard) 
Cupboard height required: 750mm (standard)
Please tell us if there are window frames etc. obstructing the cupboard also if there are sockets etc that need to be accessed**:

Do you require shelves to be installed/delivered/pick them up yourself (delete as appropriate)

Address for fitting/delivery:

* This is important especially if the back dimension is larger than the front. In such cases either the shelf won't be able to slide in from the front or the shelf can only be fitted with gaps at the sides
**Opposite the chimney breast side of the alcove -an area double the depth of the shelf needs to be clear of any obstruction that might prevent the shelf sliding on to the battons.